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Steve Gadd
(September 09, 2010)Hi Folkes,
Well I finally got to meet the great Sir Steve Gadd on the evening of the 7th of September 2010 at the Northern college of Music in Manchester. The Great Mr Steve Gadd. and yes it truly was a Mission from Gadd. having met Steve about 7yrs ago at a drum clinic in Reading I had lost all hope of ever getting the chance to see ! let alone speak to Steve ever again (as he seldom leaves America). I finally got the chance this year.When I spoke to him he mentioned that he remembered signing my drum sticks "Happy birthday" or so he said. I think he was just being very polite. the gentleman that he is.
A truly inspirational event from a most truly inspirational man, and a very humble man as well.
What a roll model to follow .........Genius
Thanks Charlie for making the night possible.